Frontend Forever App
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body { margin: 0; overflow: hidden; background: #f8ebdc; } #canvas:hover { cursor: pointer; }
// OPTIONS const opts = { TEXT: [ "Burger King", "Ripe & Ready", "Stay Lush", "Nice Buns", "Onions on Deck", "mmmmmMMMMM" ], FONT_SIZE: 160, FILL: "#F38B49", BG_COLOR: "#D4342B", LINE_GAP: 10, CURVE_STRENGTH: 0.8, WAVE_SPEED: 0.02, LOOP: true }; const COLORS = [ "#D4342B", "#F2E9DF", "#F2E9DF", "#552B22", "#552B22", "#F18A54", "#F18A54" ]; let resetFills = false; console.clear(); function map(n, start1, stop1, start2, stop2) { return ((n - start1) / (stop1 - start1)) * (stop2 - start2) + start2; } function randColor() { return COLORS[Math.floor(Math.random() * COLORS.length)]; } const fontFile = ""; const canvas = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0]; const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.addEventListener("click", () => { opts.BG_COLOR = randColor(); lines = shuffle(lines); resetFills = true; }); // Global state let font; let path; let lines = []; let width; let height; let timer = 0; /** * Size canvas */ function setupCanvas() { width = window.innerWidth; height = window.innerHeight; = `${width}px`; = `${height}px`; // Set actual size in memory (scaled to account for extra pixel density). // Change scale to 1 on retina screens to see blurry canvas. let scale = window.devicePixelRatio; canvas.width = width * scale; canvas.height = height * scale; // Normalize coordinate system to use css pixels. ctx.scale(scale, scale); } /** * Clear canvas */ function clearCanvas() { ctx.fillStyle = opts.BG_COLOR; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } class Line { constructor(font, str) { this.str = str.trim().split(" ").join(""); this.path = font.getPath(this.str, 0, 0, opts.FONT_SIZE); this.fill = randColor(); this.path.fill = this.fill; Object.assign(this, this.path.getBoundingBox()); this.width = this.x2 - this.x1; this.height = this.y2 - this.y1; } reset() { this.path = font.getPath(this.str, 0, 0, opts.FONT_SIZE); if (resetFills) { this.fill = randColor(); } this.path.fill = this.fill; } moveY(y) { this.path.commands.forEach((cmd) => { switch (cmd.type) { case "M": case "L": cmd.y += y; break; case "C": cmd.y1 += y; cmd.y2 += y; cmd.y += y; break; case "Q": cmd.y1 += y; cmd.y += y; break; } }); } stretchX() { this.path.commands.forEach((cmd) => { Line.processCmdPoints(cmd, (x, y) => { return { x: map(x, this.x1, this.x2, 0, width), y }; }); }); } topOffset(index) { this.path.commands.forEach((cmd) => { Line.processCmdPoints(cmd, (x, y) => { let yImpact = ((this.y2 - y) / this.height) * opts.CURVE_STRENGTH; let sinX = map( x, 0, width, 0 + timer + index, 2 * Math.PI + timer + index ); let sinY = Math.sin(sinX); const offsetY = y + sinY * this.height * yImpact; return { x, y: offsetY }; }); }); } bottomOffset(index) { this.path.commands.forEach((cmd) => { Line.processCmdPoints(cmd, (x, y) => { let yImpact = ((y - this.y1) / this.height) * opts.CURVE_STRENGTH; let sinX = map( x, 0, width, 0 + timer + index, 2 * Math.PI + timer + index ); let sinY = Math.sin(sinX); const offsetY = y + sinY * this.height * yImpact; return { x, y: offsetY }; }); }); } static processCmdPoints(cmd, func) { // callback.apply(this, args); if (cmd.x) { let point = func.apply(this, [cmd.x, cmd.y]); cmd.x = point.x; cmd.y = point.y; } if (cmd.x1) { let point = func.apply(this, [cmd.x1, cmd.y1]); cmd.x1 = point.x; cmd.y1 = point.y; } if (cmd.x2) { let point = func.apply(this, [cmd.x2, cmd.y2]); cmd.x2 = point.x; cmd.y2 = point.y; } } } async function main() { // Load font and get path font = await opentype.load(fontFile); opts.TEXT.forEach((line) => { lines.push(new Line(font, line)); }); draw(); } function draw() { clearCanvas(); let y = 0; timer += opts.WAVE_SPEED; lines.forEach((line, index) => { line.reset(); y += line.height + opts.LINE_GAP; line.stretchX(); if (index % 2 === 0) { line.bottomOffset(Math.floor(index / 2) / 2); } else { line.topOffset(Math.floor(index / 2) / 2); } line.moveY(y); line.path.draw(ctx); }); resetFills = false; if (opts.LOOP) { requestAnimationFrame(draw); } } window.addEventListener("resize", setupCanvas); setupCanvas(); main();